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![]() #A4499A Yucca aloifolia |
Spanish Bayonet (Aloe Yucca) Yucca aloifolia Slow growing variety native to the southwestern US, Mexico and the West Indies. It forms a stout stem with a large head aof stiff narrow leaves. Creamy white blooms are borne on spikes 2ft. long. Hardy to 10F (-17.7C); height: 10ft. #A4499A Bulk seed, 1oz (avg. 2500 seeds) $25.00 |
![]() Yucca baccataa |
Datil Yucca (Banana Yucca) Yucca baccata Forms a large clumping rosette on the ground with blue green leaves - very sharp. Flowers are white and borne on tall spikes in the summer, followed by seed pods. A shorter, more compact form. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 3ft. #A2418A Bulk seed, 1oz (avg. 240 seeds) $16.00 |
![]() #A4500A Yucca elata |
Soaptree Yucca Yucca elata Evergreen warm climate type with sturdy thick central trunks and 3-4ft. inflorences with white blooms. Hardy to 20F (-12.2C); height: 15ft. #A4500A Bulk seed, 1oz (avg.2000 seeds) $15.00 |
![]() #AP799B Yucca filamentosa |
Adam's Needle (Bear's thread) Yucca filamentosa Evergreen plant with long, dagger-shaped leaves - practically stemless and produces suckers freely. Leaves are about 2-1/2ft. long, 1-2inches wide with grey threadlike filaments. Flowers are white, edible, and borne on spikes rising up to 5ft. and under some conditions, 15ft. The hardiest of the yuccas, tolerating temperatures to 0 degrees or less with some protection. The roots can be pounded to make a mild soap. Full sun; plant height: 3-15ft. #A799A Bulk seed, 1oz (avg. Packet $22.00, Approximately 100 seeds |
#AP799B Yucca filamentosa |
Adam's Needle (Bear's thread) #AP799B 3yr seedlings , bundle of 10 $50.00 |
#AP799C Yucca filamentosa |
Adam's Needle (Bear's thread) #AP799C 3yr seedlings , bundle of 100 $200.00 |
![]() #A2778A Yucca glauca |
Great Plains Yucca (Soapweed, Bear Grass,
Spanish Bayonet) Yucca glauca Good plant for xeriscaping in hot dry locations. Long sharp dagger like leaves radiate from a central core. Leaves are actually blue-green in color . A central stalk will emerge covered with white blooms, followed by seed pods. Blooms, seed pods, and stems are edible. Seeds are dried for storage or baked and eaten as cakes. Sometimes the fruits are soaked, then cooked into a syrup, which is made into a hot drink. Blooms are eaten as salad greens and stems are cooked and eaten rather like asparagus. Medicinally, yucca is used to treat skin disorders and at once time a tea made from boiled roots was used to induce menopause. Leaves are used to make baskets, cloth and brooms. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 20ft. #A2778A Bulk seeds, 1oz (avg.1800 seeds) $15.00 |
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