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juniperus chinensis chinese juniper tree seed #A1965
Juniperus chinensis
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Chinese Juniper
Tall columnar variety with slender needles.  Makes an excellent windbreak, border or specimen.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 60ft.
#A1965    Packet   $12.00,   Approximately 100 seeds
juniperus communis common juniper tree seed #A1966
Juniperus communis
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Common Juniper
Small evergreen shrub or tree with spreading branches and short needles, shrply pointed.  Cones are small (about 1/3in. long) and are called 'juniper berries'.  They are dried and used to flavor sauerkraut, cooked and fried with ham or bacon, or used to flavor venison or gin.  Hardy to -50F (45C); height: 30ft.
#A1966   Packet  $15.00,  Approximately 100 seeds 
juniperus monosperma single seed juniper tree
Juniperus monosperma
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Single Seed Juniper
Small evergreen juniper with an open growth habit.  Used as hedging or border shrub.  Hardy to -50F (-45C);  height: 20ft.
#A4415    Packet    $16.00,  Approximately 100 seeds    
juniperus osteosperma utah juniper seed tree
Juniperus osteosperma
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Utah Juniper (Prickly Juniper)
Native to the western US, this variety has small  sharp needles and an open growth habit.  Hardy to -50F (-45C);  height: 60ft.
#A1976     Packet     $16.00,   Approximately 100 seeds
juniperus scopularium colorado cedar tree seed
Juniperus scopularium
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Rocky Mountain Juniper (Rocky Mountain Red Cedar, Mountain Red Cedar)
Native tree to the western US.  Slow growing evergreen with a narrow, pyramidal habit and short, sharp poined needles.  Prefers full sun and tolerates dry soil in a full sun location.  Does not like damp foliage.  Used for street plantings, hedges, and bonsai.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C); height: 40ft.
#A1975    Packet   $12.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar tree seed
Juniperus virginiana
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Eastern Red Cedar
Small evergreen pyramidal shaped tree with short sharp pointed green leaves and scaled branches.  Flowers bloom in spring and are yellowish-brown in color (male) or light blue green (female).  Cones are small, turning dark blue at maturity.  Hardy to -50F (-45C); height: 60ft.
#A1977   Packet    $12.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

Juniperus virginiana
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Eastern Red Cedar
#AP1977      Potted seeding (6-9in)   $5.00

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