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hibiscus coccineus blue river ii shrub plant
Blue River II
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Blue River II
Huge single white dinner plate sized blooms (8-12").  A real show-stopper.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 5-6ft.
#AP975     Plant     $10.00

hibiscus coccineus fireball shrub plant #AP2952
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Huge flaming red blooms with overlapping petals.  Strong vigorous shrub like plants have leaves tinged in purple.  Spectacular addition to the garden.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 5-6ft
#AP2952    3in. pot  $10.00

kopper king hibiscus coccineus shrub plant
Kopper King
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Kopper King
Huge white dinner plate blooms have a red eye and measure up to 12in. in diameter.  Petals are ruffled and overlapping.  Leaves are coppery red with an orange underside.   Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 4ft.
#AP2953   3in. pot   $10.00

lord baltimore hibiscus coccineus shrub plant #AP974
Lord Baltimore
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Lord Baltimore
Gorgeous 10" bright red single blooms that last all summer into the frost.  Makes a good hedge or screen.  Upright habit with multiple trunks.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 5-6ft.
#AP974    3in pot   $ 10.00

hibiscus plum crazy shrub plant #AP2955
Plum Crazy
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Plum Crazy
Dinner plate hibiscus with plum-lavender blooms with a darker eye.  Petals are slightly ruffled and overlap.  Blooms measure up to 12in. across.  Maple-like leaves.  Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 5-6ft.
#AP2955   3in. pot  $10.00

hibiscus star of texas shrub plant #AP1210
Star of Texas
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Star of Texas
This unique variety hibiscus will attract attention.  Maple-like 5-lobed leaves and bright red 5-petal star-shaped blooms cover this shrub which can reach 8ft. in height.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C); height: 8ft.
#AP1210   3in. pot    $10.00

hibiscus coccineus turn of the century shrub plant #AP2956
Turn of the Century
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Turn of the Century
Pink and white blooms are edged in darker red, creating a pinwheel effect.  Strong plants.  Vigorous grower.   Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 6-8ft.
#AP2956    3in. pot   $10.00

hibiscus acetocellus red shield seed
Hibiscus acetocellus
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Red Shield
Hibiscus acetocellus
Grown primarily for its red foliage, with dark red deeply lobed leaves and small red flowers.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#A1371  Packet   $8.00,  Approximately 50 seeds 
hibiscus lasiocarpus shrub seed
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Hibiscus lasiocarpus
Large 6in pink blooms with a darker pink eye.  Heart shaped leaves.  Likes moist soil.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 36in.
#A3468  Packet   $8.00,  Approximately 50 seeds 

hibiscus militaris hibiscus shrub plant
Hibiscus militaris
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Pink Belle
Hibiscus militaris
Pink to white 6in. blooms.  Does well in moist soils.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 48in.
#A3989  Packet   $8.00,  Approximately 50 seeds 

hibiscus moscheutos swamp mallow shrub seed #A3344
Hibiscus moscheutos
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Swamp Mallow 

Hibiscus moscheutos
Large pink to white blooms.  Does well in moist conditions.  Full sun or partial shade; height: 48in.
#A3344  Packet   $20.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

disco belle hibiscus moscheutos seed shrub #A1373
Hibiscus moscheutos
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Disco Belle (Rose Mallow)
Hibiscus moscheutos
Lovely hybrid dwarf variety with large 8-9 inch single blooms that remain open for one day.  Colors include pink, rose, and white. Full sun; height: 18in.
#A1373  Packet  $8.00,  Approximately 50 seeds
hibiscus palustris shrub plant #A1370
Hibiscus pallustris
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Pallustris Mix
Hibiscus pallustris
Large flowering hibisicus in a mix of colors including white, pink, rose and red. Hardy to -30F (-34.4C);  height: 5-6ft.
#A1370  Packet  $8.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

hibiscus syriacus amplissimus tree shrub plant #AP2709
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Blooms are double pink.  Upright habit.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#AP2709    3-4ft. tree   $20.00

ardens hibiscus plant #AP2707
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Double purple blooms appear in profusion and last through the season.  Upright growth habit.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#AP2707    3-4ft. tree   $20.00

big sky hibiscus plant
Big Sky
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Big Sky
This is a single bloomed variety of the old favorite, usually bears blue flowers, but they can also appear as white, purple. or red.  Habit is upright with multiple trunks.  Blooms profusely in summer.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#AP908  3-4ft. tree         $20.00

diana hibiscus syriacus tree shrub plant #AP2958
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Solid snow white blooms.  Upright growth habit.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft
#AP2958    3in. pot  $10.00

hibiscus syriacus double red shrub tree
Double Red
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Double Red
Large lacy double red blooms on an upright multi-trunked shrub or small tree.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft
#AP2709     3in. pot  $10.00

hibiscus syriacus helene tree shrub plant #AP2711
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Single white blooms have a red center.  Upright and hardy.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#AP2711   4ft. tree   $10.00

hibiscus syriacus jeanne d arc tree shrub #AP2710
Jeanne D'Arc
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Jeanne D'Arc
Large double white blooms on an upright multi-trunked tree.   Hardy to -20F (-28.8C);  height: 10ft.
#AP2710    4ft. tree   $10.00

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