(Gum Tree)
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eucalyptus botryoides bangalay tree seed
Eucalyptus botryoides
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Bangalay (Southern Mahogany)
Australian native with rough bark on the main trunk and willow-like leaves.  This is a widely used tree in Australia, though it is uncommon in the US, and only does well in warmer climates.  Hardy to 10F (-17.C);  height: 40ft.

#A1885    Packet   $ 30.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

eucalyptus camaldulensis red river gum tree seed
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
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Red River Gum (Murray Red Gum, Bloodwood)
Native Australian evergreen tree with willow-like leaves.  The tree can tolerate some drought and prefers a location in full sun.   Oil from the bark and leaves is a strong antiseptic and is used to treat cuts and is inhaled as a decongestant.  Hardy to 30F (-6.6C);  height: 90 ft.
#A1886    Packet   $12.00,  Approximately 100 seeds
eucalpytus cinerea silver dollar tree seed
Eucalyptus cinerea
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Silver Dollar (Blue Gum, Argyle Apple)
Annual or Tender Perennial;  The elongated branches of young plants have rounded silvery-green foliage and are aromatic and are commonly grown for use in flower arrangements.  Can be grown as a potted plant or in the summer garden in cooler climates.  Makes a pretty landscape plant and in mild climates can grow up to 6ft. per year producing a magnificent specimen tree.  Full sun; plant height: 20-50ft.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#A1368  Packet  $16.00,  Approximately 100 seeds 
Eucalyptus cinerea
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Silver Dollar
#A1368C    Bulk seed , 1lb   $100.00
eucalyptus citriodora lemon gum tree seed
Eucalyptus citriodora
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Lemon Scented Gum
Very fast growing variety with a wonderful scent of lemon and white or light tan exfolilating bark.  Makes a great decorative plant or dried plant.  If grown outdoors in a warm climate, will eventually reach 100ft.  Very drought tolerant, it needs little water.  Hardy to 20F (-12.2C); height: 100ft.
#A2879  Packet  $16.00,  Aproximately 100 seeds

Eucalyptus citriodora
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Lemon Scented Gum
#A2879C    Bulk seed, 1lb   $65.00
eucalyptus globulus blue gum tree seed
Eucalyptus globulus
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Blue Eucalyptus (Tasmanian Blue Gum)
Annual or Tender Perennial;  We usually think of this variety as florist's quality eucalyptus - slender branches with small rounded aromatic leaves perfect for decorating, but in the wild in its Tasmania these plants grow 7-8 feet per year into forest giants of 300ft. tall with 10 inch sickle shaped leaves and 1-1/2 inch creamy white blooms.  The bark of adult trees peels and the wood is valuable for timber, being exceptionally strong.  The plant, even in the juvenile state, yields eucalyptus oil - a natural antiseptic. Full sun; plant height:300ft.  Hardy to -20F (-28.8C)
#A1369  Packet  $14.00,  Approximately 100 seeds

Eucalyptus globulus
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Blue Eucalyptus
#A1369C     Bulk seed, 1lb   $60.00

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