![]() #A4315 Acacia arabica |
Babul Tree Wide spreading tree with fine fern-like leaves on an open branched graceful tree. The sap of the tree is used to treat a number of ailments including cuts and wounds. Hardy to 10F (-12.2C); height: 40ft. #A4315 Packet of Approximately 100 seeds $10.00 |
#A4315B Acacia arabica |
#A4315B Bulk seed 4oz $14.50 |
![]() #A4317 Acacia decurrens |
Black Wattle, Green Wattle Native to Australia and New South Wales, this acacia forms a medium sized tree with fern-like leaves. The sap is used as a substitute for gum arabic and the bark is astringent. Hardy to 10F (-17.7C); height: 40ft. #A4317 Packet $14.00, Approximately 100 seeds |
![]() #A1554 Acacia melanoxylon |
Blackwood The scented flowers of this Australian native are used in cooking and the hard finely grained wood is often used to make furniture. Hardy to 20F (-12.2C); height: 90ft. #A1554 Packet $10.00, Approximately 100 seeds |
![]() #A3403 Acacia saligna |
Blue Leaf Wattle, Orange Wattle Extremely rugged tree, well adapted to barren slopes and rocky, non-productive ground. Fast growing, it can reach a height of 30ft. Native to southwestern Australia, it is adaptable to a wide range of soils. Hardy to 20F (-6.6C ); height: 30ft #A3403 Packet $10.00 Approximately 100 seeds |
![]() #A1554 Acacia sieberiana |
Paperbark Thorn Flat topped acacia with fern-like leaves with thorns at the base and fine yellow hairs on leaves and branches. The seed pods are often used as livestock feed. Blooms are creamy white. Hardy to 20F (-12.2C); height: 90ft. #A1554 Packet $20.00, Approximately 500 seeds |